Ranieri Tour Operator is a company specialized in incoming tourism (providing services for groups or individuals travelling to Italy) and in organization of conventions, incentives tours and sport events.

The Company was born in Montecatini Terme in 1998 and since 2002 represents the Montecatini Terme hoteliers association for Confindustria Northern Tuscany.

Ranieri Tour Operator puts at your disposal a team of experts to support you at a strategic and operational level, from the exclusive meeting, reserved for a few people, to big events.

The experience gained over the years and the knowledge of the area, sports facilities and accommodation facilities, constitute an important synergy from which to start for the organizational success of your events.

Quality is satisfying the customer’s needs and exceeding his own expectations by continuing to improve.

Single administrator and commercial / administrative manager
Sabrina Gilardi – sabrina@ranieritouroperator.com

Head of Incoming foreign department groups and social tourism
Katia Salvatore – katia@ranieritouroperator.com

Head of Incoming domestic department and events
Luciana Palermo – luciana@ranieritouroperator.com

Italy Booking Groups

Federica Stefanelli – federica@ranieritouroperator.com
Rebecca Savelli – rebecca@ranieritouroperator.com
Sara Grilli – sara@ranieritouroperator.com
Dorella Di Sabatino – dorella@ranieritouroperator.com
Irene Artusini – irene@ranieritouroperator.com

Tuscany Booking Individuals:


Doric Boutique Hotel

My name is Enzo Agrò, an architect who over the years has managed to realise his dream and share his home, which today is the Doric Boutique Hotel. We are located in Agrigento, immersed in the UNESCO landscape of the Valley of the Temples, which we are lucky enough to observe from our special panoramic view: the eco-friendly structure opened in 2018 has always thought, since its creation, about environmental sustainability by committing to convert the energy recovered from the photovoltaic and thermal system, giving new life to the water with a natural phyto-purification system with the aim of achieving 100% sustainability to protect the surrounding area. Between the tufa of the Valley of the Temples and the blue sea of Agrigento, it is our intention to preserve nature and help it grow: to do this, next to our buildings, there are gardens, vineyards, olive groves, pistachio and almond groves that represent a small big farm whose products are then used in the dishes of the Ambrosia Sicily Food Culture restaurant. The guest is thus immersed in nature, pampered by the benefits of our home and lulled by the scents of the surrounding nature: today there are 28 rooms, of different categories, villa suites with private pool or whirlpool tub, Queen Spa with Turkish bath emotional shower and whirlpool tub, deluxe with private pool, standard with balcony, standard, furnished thanks to the involvement of local artisans and Italian design companies, overlooking the panoramic hill surrounded by olive groves, vineyards, almond groves and the pistachio trees that surround the structure, gathering the sustainable soul and the charming style of the Doric hospitality. All the rooms enjoy unparalleled views of Europe’s largest Archaeological Park and the Mediterranean Sea, and are distinguished by their private heated swimming pool, and some also have other facilities such as a Turkish bath and hydromassage. The silence of nature and the scents of aromatic herbs are the ideal setting to savour the cuisine that emphasises local produce and vegetables from the kitchen garden, and to enjoy the relaxing communal areas reserved for guests such as the infinity pool with its swim-up bar and the gym that looks towards Africa. Over the past few months, our chef preferred to do something else. Just before the start of the tourist season, we asked ourselves what to do: find another star chef to join our catering project or redefine roles and tasks within the kitchen brigade, trying to make the gastronomic proposal more stable and consistent? So I decided to add myself to the kitchen brigade and work on a menu with a strong territorial identity, a more united team was created that relied entirely on the strength of the group. This idea, initiated since the spring reopening, has been appreciated both by the guests of the hotel resort and by outsiders who lunch or dine daily at the Ambrosia Sicily Food Culture restaurant: A strong point is the constancy and certainty of finding refined, tasty dishes with their own identity every day that do not suffer from the presence or absence of a single chef. Thanks to the imprint of a united and homogeneous group, the Doric now offers a cuisine ready to satisfy the most discerning palates in an elegant setting with a magnificent view of the majestic Temple of Juno. A menu that fully embraces the philosophy of the hotel resort, namely that of sustainability (environmental, ecological, of the place and …) and of attention to the territory thanks to the involvement of local artisans, producers and suppliers who work in full symbiosis with the Doric philosophy, which is becoming more and more concrete: in our dishes, in addition to cooking techniques, above all there is the product of our farm, of our vegetable garden within the bio-resort together with pistachio, almond and olive groves and a small vineyard that has just been planted.

Hotel Donatella

English Version – In a medieval village, between the beaches and natural parks of Eastern Sardinia Located in the medieval village of Posada, on the Eastern coast of Sardinia, Hotel Donatella offers to its guests all the pleasures of a relaxing holiday, in contact with nature. Completely renovated in 2003, Hotel Donatella Posada is the ideal starting point to discover one of most beautiful villages in Italy, an area that in recent years has received not only 5 sails by the Blue Guide of Legambiente, but also various awards for the activities in defense of its territory and for the promotion of responsible tourism and sustainable development. Ideal for families with children and not only for them, Hotel Donatella will accompany in a journey to discover Posada and its territory with excursions along the beautiful surrounding mountains and nearby beaches , all for true experience that you will never forget!
You will also find an excellent Restaurant, pride of Hotel Donatella, offering a cuisine based on the freshness and genuineness of products at 0 km.
You will be welcomed by a fully qualified staff, the ease and friendliness of Donatella, the typical warmth of the island’s population, always ready to smile.

Versione Italiana – In un borgo medievale, tra le spiagge e i parchi naturali della Sardegna Orientale. Situato nel borgo medievale di Posada, sulla costa orientale della Sardegna, l’Hotel Donatella offre ai suoi ospiti tutto il piacere di una vacanza all’insegna del relax e del contatto con la natura. Ristrutturato completamente nel 2003, l’Hotel Donatella di Posada è il punto di partenza ideale per scoprire uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia, un territorio che negli ultimi anni ha ricevuto non solo 5 vele della Guida Blu di Legambiente, ma anche numerosi riconoscimenti per l’attività a difesa del proprio territorio e in favore di un turismo responsabile e di sviluppo sostenibile. Ideale per famiglie con bambini ma non solo, l’Hotel Donatella vi accompagnerà in un viaggio alla scoperta di Posada e del suo territorio con escursioni tra le splendide montagne limitrofe e le spiagge vicine, tutto per un’esperienza autentica che non scorderete facilmente! Troverete anche un ottimo Ristorante, fiore all’occhiello dell’Hotel Donatella, che propone una cucina basata sulla genuinità e freschezza dei prodotti a km 0. Ad accogliervi troverete un personale ampiamente qualificato, la spigliatezza e simpatia di Donatella, il calore tipico della popolazione isolana e un sorriso sempre pronto.



Hotel Pacific

English Version – The Pacific Hotel in Cattolica, a hotel with large spaces, bright rooms, dining room, breakfast room, large outdoor area with swimming pools and a parking lot next to the hotel. Very close to strategic points such as the sea, Riviera Golf, Riviera Horses and Autodromo Di Misano. People come to us not only for tourism but also for business trips. Breakfast is one of our strengths as well as the restaurant. Cleaning is our prerogative. Genuine hospitality, we make you feel at home. Possibility of organizing transfers from Rimini-Bologna-Ancona airports. Possibility of organizing short tours in the hinterland to visit places or taste the specialties of the area.

Versione italiana – L’Hotel Pacific di Cattolica, hotel dotato di ampi spazi, camere luminose, sala da pranzo, sala colazione ampio spazio esterno con piscine un parcheggio a fianco l’hotel. Vicinissimo a punti strategici come mare, Riviera Golf, Riviera Horses e Autodromo Di Misano. Da noi non si viene per solo turismo ma anche per viaggi businnes. La colazione è uno dei nostri punti di forza così come la ristorazione. La pulizia è una nostra prerogativa. L’ospitalità genuina, ti facciamo sentire a casa. Possibilità di organizzare transfer da aeroporti di Rimini-Bologna-Ancona. Possibilità di organizzare brevi tour nell’entroterra per visitare luoghi o assaggiare le specialità del territorio.

Beautrip srl

English Version – The most surprising journeys you haven’t even dreamed of are about to begin. We are ready to make you discover the most extraordinary of destinations: Beauty.
Our experiences are created for people like you, who have already visited the Italy of mass tourism, and are now looking for a more personal and intimate contact, in order to cultivate their passions: High Handicraft Lovers, Historical Heritage Lovers, Art Lovers, Design Lovers…
Secret Italy, starting from the Excellencies of Florence, Bologna, Rimini, Venice, Milan, combining experiences that narrate our beautiful country, and which we personally select, with journeys no longer than 2 hours between one experience and another. They are not designed for an ordinary tourist, but for a traveler who moves from one emotion to another, to write memorable and meaningful pages of their personal history.

Versione Italiana – I viaggi più sorprendenti che ancora non avete neppure sognato stanno per iniziare. Noi siamo pronti per farvi scoprire la più straordinaria delle destinazioni: la Bellezza.
Le nostre esperienze sono create per persone come te, che hanno già visitato l’Italia delle mete del Turismo di Massa, e ora ricercano un contatto piu’ personale e intimo, per poter coltivare le proprie passioni: Amanti dell’Alto Artigianato, del Patrimonio Storico, dell’Arte, del Design…
L‘Italia Segreta, partendo dalle Eccellenze di Firenze, Bologna, Rimini, Venezia, Milano, inanellando esperienze che narrano il nostro Bel Paese, e che noi selezioniamo personalmente con tragitti non piu’ lunghi di 2 ore tra una esperienza e l’altra. Non sono disegnate per un normale turista, ma per un viaggiatore che si muove da una emozione all’altra, per scrivere pagine della propria storia personale memorabili e piene di significato.

Experience Sicily

English Version – Experience Sicily is a young and dynamic company, managed at its top by people with at least 25 years of experience in the Sicilian tourism sector. After many years of services for the major T.O. and travel agencies, has decided to become independent by offering the best possible services at the right rate.

Versione Italiana – Experience Sicily è un’azienda giovane e dinamica, gestita al suo vertice da persone con almeno 25 anni di esperienza nel settore turistico siciliano. Dopo tanti anni di servizi per i maggiori T.O. e agenzie di viaggi, ha deciso di diventare indipendente proponendo i migliori servizi possibili alla giusta tariffa.

Albergo Pietrasanta Srl

English Version – The Pietrasanta Hotel is located in the heart of Versilia, easily reachable from Pisa and Lucca, not far from Florence: a pleasant starting point for engaging experiences of culture, art and the sea. It welcomes you in the seventeenth-century Palazzo Barsanti Bonetti, a few meters from the historic center: its spaces are articulated around two main bodies, consisting of the main villa and the old stables, today connected by a veranda overlooking the garden of centuries-old palm trees.

Versione Italiana – L’Albergo Pietrasanta è situato nel cuore  della Versilia, facilmente raggiungibile da Pisa e Lucca, a poca distanza da Firenze: un piacevole punto di partenza per coinvolgenti esperienze di cultura, arte e mare. Esso vi accoglie nel seicentesco Palazzo Barsanti Bonetti, a pochi metri dal centro storico: i suo spazi si articolano intorno a due corpi principali, costituiti dalla villa padronale e dalle vecchie scuderie, oggi collegati da una veranda che si affaccia sul giardino di palme secolari.

Consorzio Navi del Delta

English Version – The Po Delta Tourism by Consorzio Navi del Delta consists of a group of tourism entrepreneurs located in the Po Delta Park, from Gorino to Lido di Spina, from Comacchio to Volano, a lively reality made up of different professionals aiming at a single goal: a compelling, complex and transversal tourist offer, strong in sense of union and belonging to the territory, which is based on the fixed points of an imaginary network of tourist experiences and of unique potential.

Versione Italiana – Il Po Delta Tourism by Consorzio Navi del Delta è composto da un gruppo di imprenditori turistici dislocati nel Parco del Delta del Po, da Gorino al Lido di Spina, da Comacchio a Volano, una realtà vivace composta da diverse professionalità tese verso un unico obiettivo: un’offerta turistica avvincente, complessa e trasversale, forte del senso di unione e di appartenenza al territorio, che si fonda sui punti fermi di un’immaginaria rete di esperienze turistiche e di potenzialità uniche.


Holiday Web

English Version – Holiday Web is a tour operator born from the multi-year experience of many entrepreneurs in the tourism sector. It has its offices on the island of Ischia, which represents the company’s core business and offers also other products, such as the nearby islands of Capri and Procida. Moreover, it offers tours and packages throughout Italy, in addition to the classic Italian Sea.

Versione Italiana – Holiday Web è un tour operator nato dall’esperienza pluriennale di molti imprenditori del settore turistico. Ha i suoi uffici sull’isola d’Ischia che rappresenta il core business dell’azienda e offre anche altri prodotti come le vicine isole di Capri e Procida. Inoltre, offre tour e pacchetti in tutta Italia oltre al classico Mare Italia.


English Version – We are a Tour Operator – or perhaps a Digital Company, or perhaps both – made up of Sicilians who want to differentiate themselves on the global market for their ability to propose routes and experiences that reflect the life and traditions of the territory. And we do it using the most innovative digital tools: “Do-it-yourself” and, in a short time, also the Itinerant Immersive Reality. These are the key principles of corporate action.

Versione Italiana – Siamo un Tour Operator – o forse una Digital Company, o forse tutti e due – costituito da siciliani che vogliono differenziarsi sul mercato globale per la propria capacità di proporre percorsi ed esperienze che riflettano la vita e le tradizioni del territorio. E lo facciamo utilizzando i più innovativi strumenti digitali: “Do-it-yourself” e, in breve tempo anche la Realtà Immersiva Itinerante. Questi sono i principi cardine dell’azione aziendale.

Home Suite Home

English Version – Home Suite Home is a small team of hotel enthusiasts and we serve international Tour Providers.
In the last 10 years we have worked with more than 500 hotels in Italy for hundreds of groups and we have built an archive of suppliers. Every day we work to update it and regularly check existing contacts and try new ones. We focus on large hotels and local culture. We feel the duty to deliver what is Italy, overcoming some stereotypes and revealing the richness and beauty of our country. Italy is a place full of incredible stories yet to be told. After years spent behind the scenes of international tour operators we have learned how the accommodation facilities are crucial for the tour operator. And how much they influence costs, as they are one of the main items of expenditure.

Versione Italiana – Home Suite Home è un piccolo team di appassionati di hotel e serviamo Tour Provider internazionali.
Negli ultimi 10 anni abbiamo lavorato con più di 500 hotel in Italia per centinaia di gruppi e abbiamo costruito un archivio di fornitori. Ogni giorno lavoriamo per aggiornarlo e controllare regolarmente i contatti esistenti e provarne di nuovi. Ci concentriamo sui grandi hotel e sulla cultura locale. Sentiamo il dovere di consegnare ciò che è l’Italia, superando alcuni stereotipi e svelando la ricchezza e la bellezza del nostro Paese. L’Italia è un luogo pieno di storie incredibili ancora da raccontare. Dopo anni trascorsi dietro le quinte dei tour operator internazionali abbiamo imparato come le strutture ricettive siano fondamentali per il tour operator. E quanto influiscono sui costi, in quanto rappresentano una delle principali voci di spesa.


Agriturismo Il Duchesco

L’Agriturismo Il Duchesco nasce da una porzione di Podere della famiglia Duchini dentro il Parco Naturale della Maremma Toscana ad Alberese in provincia di Grosseto. Aldo ed Ivana inizieranno negli anni ’70 a lavorare per rendere la Fattoria un gioiello ben curato ed ospitale con una vocazione vitivinicola ed olivicola, ma con una gran passione per la frutta e la verdura che quotidianamente vendevano sotto la tettoia di casa.

Fabio e Cristina continuano la passione per questa terra e la cura dell’Agriturismo per renderlo accogliente e adatto a chi cerca relax a contatto con la Natura.